How to Fold Ironing Board with Metal Rod: Your Ultimate Guide

If you’ve just searched for “how to fold ironing board with metal rod”, you’re not alone. Many people find this seemingly simple task a bit puzzling. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through it, step-by-step.

how to fold ironing board with metal rod

How to Fold Ironing Board with Metal Rod: Detailed Steps

Here are detailed steps to properly fold an ironing board with a metal rod…

Step 1: Safety First

When it comes to folding an ironing board with a metal rod, safety should always be your first concern.

Before you even touch the metal rod or the board’s legs, make sure that the ironing board is on a stable, flat surface.

Remove any items from the board, especially hot irons or other electrical devices that could pose a risk of injury. Make sure children and pets are at a safe distance.

Step 2: Locate the Metal Rod

The second step in the process of folding an ironing board with a metal rod is to identify the metal rod itself. This is typically found underneath the board, connecting the legs and the flat ironing surface.

The metal rod serves as a lever or a locking mechanism to hold the board in place when it’s open. Feel around gently with your hand if you don’t immediately see it, but be careful not to pinch your fingers.

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Step 3: Depress the Metal Rod

Once you’ve located the metal rod, the next step in folding an ironing board with a metal rod is to depress or push it down.

This will generally release a lock or catch that is keeping the ironing board open. When depressing the rod, use steady, gentle force.

Make sure you’re not forcing it, as this could break the mechanism. You should hear a slight ‘click’ or feel a give, signaling that the locking mechanism has been released.

Step 4: Fold the Legs

After successfully depressing the metal rod and releasing the locking mechanism, you’re now ready to fold the legs of the ironing board.

This is the main part of folding an ironing board with a metal rod. Gently fold the legs toward the flat surface of the board.

Make sure they’re fully retracted and that they don’t catch on any fabric or cables. It may be helpful to lift the board slightly off the ground to give the legs room to fold. Once the legs are folded, make sure they are securely in place.

Step 5: Final Checks

The final step in folding an ironing board with a metal rod involves some last checks. Ensure that the legs are securely folded and that the board is stable in its folded position.

Double-check that the metal rod is in its locked position so that the board won’t accidentally unfold.

It’s important to also ensure that you store the folded ironing board in a safe and appropriate location, such as a storage closet or a designated spot in your laundry room.

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Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’ve followed the steps on how to fold an ironing board with a metal rod but are still encountering difficulties, here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Metal Rod is Stuck: Sometimes, the metal rod may be stuck due to rust or disuse. In this case, a gentle application of a silicone-based lubricant could free it up.
  • Legs Won’t Fold: If the legs don’t fold easily, check for any obstructions or tangled fabric that might be causing the issue.
  • Board Doesn’t Lock in Folded Position: Make sure the metal rod is fully depressed and in its locked position. If it’s not, the board might not stay folded.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining your ironing board properly can ease the process of folding an ironing board with a metal rod. Regularly check for any signs of wear and tear, particularly on the metal rod and locking mechanism. A well-maintained ironing board is not only easier to fold but also safer to use.

Conclusion: How to Fold Ironing Board with Metal Rod

Knowing how to fold an ironing board with a metal rod is a useful skill that can save you time and space. By following these detailed steps, you can ensure that you fold your ironing board safely and efficiently.

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